VALSA Ltd, being an exclusive dealer of European, Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese manufacturers of substation equipment, insulators and linear-pendant fittings in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, proposes the following items for delivery:
disconnectors 35–750 kV
current and voltage measuring transformers
control, monitoring and diagnostics system for transformer equipment 110–750 kVA
PAVLN – nitrogen explosion and fire prevention system for oil-filled transformers 110–750 kVA
neutral grounding resistors NER in networks 6–35 kV
bus supports (ceramic insulators) 35–750 kV
equipment for analyzing MV and HV laboratory equipment, as well as personal protective equipment, electrical insulation, and special current and voltage transformers
glass insulators
linear-pendant fittings (spiral, protective, etc.) for composite wires, non-insulated wires, lines with insulated wires, fiber-optic cables, etc.
For 14 years, our company has been delivering products of the above manufacturers to large and small facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Our company has its own warehouse where many goods are always available.